The sent ones blog

Principles and stories written by Sent Ones, for Sent Ones.

Peter Lindell Peter Lindell

The Metric Black Hole

Simply put, the Metric Black Hole is the idea that there are many things that we do for which we do not have an accurate measurement of how they contribute to the bottom line.

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Roy Davidson Roy Davidson

Empowering the Priesthood

“Pastor?” I usually begin my correction after a long day of training. Generally, in Asia, this is meant as a term of respect for their guest who just spent all day equipping them and challenging them from the Word to obey, follow, and love Jesus more. But I will not let that slide, because I have a crucial point to make about who they are.

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Steve Addison Steve Addison

On the Road in South Asia

We’d been on the road in South Asia for three weeks. We’d covered thousands of kilometers and met hundreds of people. The purpose was to hear their stories and experience the life of a movement of God.

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Robert Harris Robert Harris

Obeying Jesus; Duty, Delight, or Both?

In the early days of my disciple-making journey, I went door-to-door on a weekly basis with others in Austin, TX. We prayed and shared the Gospel with those who would open their doors. Candidly, I didn’t like it.

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Ramon Mayo Ramon Mayo

What Did Jesus Do?

Especially if you had a WWJD bracelet on your wrist. WWJD stands for “What Would Jesus Do?” This phrase was lifted from the text of a book called “In His Steps” by Charles Sheldon. The bracelets were a reminder to ask yourself, “What would Jesus do?” if He were facing your situation. It became sort of a mini-movement within evangelical Christianity, mostly typified by teenagers wearing a WWJD bracelet.

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Tobias, The Asian Rough Rider Tobias, The Asian Rough Rider

Prayer to Movement

Without prayer, there simply is no movement of God among any person or any place. Prayer is the greater catalytic work in movements just as blood is the fluid of life in the human body. It flows through every part of the miracle of reproducing disciples and churches.

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David Cervenka David Cervenka

The Pattern of Jesus

In most modern English translations of the New Testament, there are three places where the phrase “make disciples” shows up.

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