Training &

Disciple Making Communities (DMC)

Jumpstart your development by starting your own Disciple Making Community. Explore the foundations of disciple-making with our FREE 10-week guided study on how to get started fulfilling the Great Commission; perfect for small groups, a group of missionally minded Christians, and aspiring missionaries.

every people, every place

“For from the rising of the sun to its setting my name will be great among the nations, and in every place incense will be offered to my name, and a pure offering. For my name will be great among the nations, says the Lord of hosts.” Malachi 1:11


four fields / 5 parts

the four fields of kingdom growth is a helpful way to visualize the pattern of kingdom growth as exemplified in the ministry of jesus and the early church.

Video / Document

0. abiding

Apart from Jesus we can do nothing.

Video / Document

1. entry

Engaging people far from God.

- Oikos Map (known people) 

- House of Peace (unknown people)

2. gospel

Proclaiming the good news.

- Your Story

- God’s Story

3. discipleship

Teaching them to obey all He commanded.

- Meeting Pattern (how to teach)
Video / Model

- Short-term Discipleship (what to teach)
Video / Document

4. church

Forming disciples into communities.

- Church Circle
Video / Document

- Handy Guide to Maturity
Video / Document

5. leaders

Reproducing kingdom servants.

Video / Document

- The 1-3-9 Leadership Paradigm Video / Document

X. develop

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Want a further explanation of anything? Let’s connect to answer your questions and explore next steps in our mission to make Jesus known.