"The gospel is only good news if it gets there in time."

discovery CALL

Want to have an exploratory call about your purpose in life? Schedule a 15 minute intro call.

coaching call

Feel stuck? Get input from a proven practitioner; schedule a 30 minute coaching call


Ready to deploy to a local, regional, or global mission field? We’re ready to help you launch!

multiplication hubs

Want to learn the principles, practices, and rhythms of multiplication? Visit one of our Multiplication Hubs for two weeks, three months, or longer to experience in person coaching and real world practice.

accelerate your learning

Prepare to live the sent life by confirming your calling and developing necessary skills at your own pace through our podcasts, blog, and more.

On our podcasts you’ll hear exciting stories and biblical insights that help you discover your calling, develop your skills, and deploy to your mission.

Read articles written by sent ones, for sent ones. Learn about how to be more effective in the task of making disciples from our global co-laborers.

Our curated training resources help you make disciples and plant churches that mature, multiply, and have a global impact.

Disciple Making Communities (DMC)

Jumpstart your development by starting your own Disciple Making Community. Explore the foundations of disciple-making with our FREE 10-week guided study on how to get started fulfilling the Great Commission; perfect for small groups, a group of missionally minded Christians, and aspiring missionaries.

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