The sent ones blog

Principles and stories written by Sent Ones, for Sent Ones.

Peter Lindell Peter Lindell

The Metric Black Hole

Simply put, the Metric Black Hole is the idea that there are many things that we do for which we do not have an accurate measurement of how they contribute to the bottom line.

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Steve Addison Steve Addison

On the Road in South Asia

We’d been on the road in South Asia for three weeks. We’d covered thousands of kilometers and met hundreds of people. The purpose was to hear their stories and experience the life of a movement of God.

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Roy Davidson Roy Davidson

The Great Commission Can and Will be Completed

I realized, “Wow, this Jesus guy had some pretty amazing strategies as well.” Since then, as I’ve read Scripture, additional senses of awe and wonder have helped lock me into being a Great Commission Christian for life. One of the first dominoes to fall was realizing that the Great Commission can and will be completed.

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Jafar Khan Jafar Khan

God’s Work Among Muslims In South Asia

One balmy summer evening, I was prayer walking with my friend through a predominantly Muslim area in my city. It wasn’t the smell of street food and masala chai or the horns of the gridlocked vehicles that overwhelmed me the most; it was the sheer amount of people bustling through the tight streets who I knew had never - and likely would never - hear the good news about Jesus that hit me the hardest at that moment.

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David Cervenka David Cervenka

How to Protect Your Heart in MOvement

I remember the early days of walking with Jesus: Happily rising early to meet with Him through His Word. It was always a source of joy. Fast forward to about my eighth year of pursuing movement on the field in Japan. I was rudely defending movement principles to believers who were in different tribes than myself.

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Bud Houston Bud Houston

A Simplistic Look at Mission Research

Today, there is more qualitative and quantitative research on the core missionary task than ever. Those not involved in research or directly receiving the information often do not fully understand the purpose, benefit, or process of good missiological research.

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Robert Harris Robert Harris

The Seven Phases of Great Commission Progress

The conversation about how and when to mark a specific people group or a particular place as engaged with the Gospel has been going on for a long time. It is an important conversation because it determines where both financial and human resources will be directed. It can also be dangerous if not approached with caution.

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Todd Engstrom Todd Engstrom

Convictions and Practices of a Sending Church

Submitting to God’s Word and Spirit, God’s people become a church seeking to fulfill all God's commands in a covenantal and confessional relationship. These churches, over time, seek to make more disciples of Jesus and become healthy churches that continue to make and multiply disciples.

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