
Denver, CO| Nov 15 @ 7:30 - 9:30pm | Restoration Church: 11o1 S Washington St.

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Join us for an inspiring evening of worship and prayer dedicated to embracing our missional calling both locally and globally.


As believers, we are called to impact our immediate communities and the broader world, carrying the message of love and hope to every corner. This event is an opportunity to gather together, seek God's guidance, and renew our commitment to His mission.

What to Expect:

Dynamic Worship: Experience powerful worship designed to draw us closer to God and create an atmosphere of unity and praise.

Prayer for the Nations: Engage in focused prayer for different regions of the world, lifting up the needs and challenges faced by people and communities globally.

Hearing from God: Spend time in quiet reflection and listen for God's voice, seeking His direction and wisdom for our individual and collective missional purpose.

Inspirational Messages: Hear from guest speakers and missionaries who will share their experiences and insights on living a life dedicated to God's mission.

Community Connection: Connect with fellow believers who share a passion for making a difference, building relationships that inspire and support our shared mission.

Save your spot.

Come ready to be inspired, challenged, and equipped to step into your unique role in God's mission. Let's unite our hearts and voices in worship and prayer, embracing our global purpose.