for church leaders and those who love the church.
How to Empower Believers
Sammy continues his conversation with Berk, JT, and BK about what he has learned in empowering believers. He also talks about the obstacles he has faced in changing the paradigm of success.
Reaching the Nations Through Micro Churches
Sammy Joo shares about the importance of letting God multiply the little things in your church.
Equipping and Releasing in a Healthy Way
Heath Haynes continues his story and shares how he has seen the priesthood of believers released and equipped in a healthy way. He also shares about the challenges of leadership as he transitioned from a traditional model to a releasing model of church.
Going All In on Obedience
Heath Haynes joins JT and BK and shares the story of his church’s transition from a Sunday morning model to a decentralized network of churches.
The Most Fun I’ve Had in MInistry
Jeff U continues his conversation with Bryan and JT and shares why he's having the most fun he's ever had in ministry.
The Church as Lifeboats
Jeff U joins Bryan and JT to talk about seeing the church as lifeboats in a lost and hurting world.
God Uses Ordinary People to Make Disciples
Bryan King continues to share his story and the story of Ridge Christian as they seek to make disciples who make disciples.
What Does Success Look Like?
Bryan King shares his journey as he and his church began to unleash the priest instead of counting bodies in the pews.
Burn the Ships WITHOUT Blowing up Your Church
JT shares more about what church looks like at Neighbors and Nations.
What Does the Kingdom Look Like?
JT shares his heart and vision for seeing the kingdom of Jesus show up today. What would our churches and cities look like if we were sold out to that vision?
Helping People Become Like Jesus
Berk Wilson continues his story and shares some practical examples and real-life stories of multiplication.
What Does it Take to Really Multiply?
Berk Wilson shares his story and how he discovered what it took to truly multiply disciples.
Why We Love the Church
To properly see the priesthood of all believers unleashed, we need to start in the right place: Love for the bride of Christ.
Unleash the Priest
Unleash the Priest is a podcast for church leaders and those who love the church. Imagine the priesthood of all believers being unleashed to make disciples of Jesus who impact our churches, our communities, and the ends of the earth.